Tuesday 2 Oct - more wind, stay put, clouds, havoc, ducks, crepes, noisy singers
It continued to be windy overnight and this morning was rather cold, but the wind was abating in Frontignan. However, an examination of the weather forecasts showed that Frontignan was trapped between two wind fronts, with high winds to the east and high winds to the west, both of which were over Etang areas. So we decided to stay put for the day again.
The lenticular clouds above Frontignan were further evidence of high winds in the region.

So we stayed on board and got more work done on the blog and on Rita’s reading for her Music Therapy course in Dijon. In between, we were entertained by some of the noisiest ducks I have ever heard.
At 1601h, there was more mayhem as the bridge was lifted. Believe it or not, the boat at centre right had just come out from under the bridge heading our way, but was in the middle of a 360 degree turn along the way!

In the evening, we again went for an apero near the Mairie, then sought out a creperie that we had heard good things about. The crepes and cider were excellent.

In addition, we got a delicate pink sunset thrown in for free, as background to the weather vane on a neighbouring church.

When we got back to the barge, we found that there were lots of Swiss in port and they later got together with some German boaters to create a single group of noisy late night singers. A short lesson in how to annoy the locals.