Sunday 7 August - Agen Sunday Market, exploring Agen

Agen, known in France as the prune capital, was much bigger than most of the towns we visited, and Sunday was one of the Market Days in Agen, so we took the opportunity to explore. Unlike the Market Days in Moissac, when anything and everything is for sale, the Sunday Market in Agen was strictly food and related items. Which was OK with us since we needed to stock up on supplies anyway. Father Frank was particularly interested in finding some local pate.

After the market, we decided to explore Agen and see what it had to offer. Two things we found in abundance in Agen were beautiful wooden doors (we found out that Dick photographs ornate doors around the world) and wrought iron lacework (reminded me of Melbourne). We also found restaurants that don't serve food on Sundays, and Rita found a nice shoe store to return to on Monday.

After finding a restaurant that did serve food, we then walked to the start of the aqueduct that takes the canal over the Garonne River.