Friday 23 August - carpet in house, poo-bags, good wines, Lot cartoon
We took the new carpet (and a big drum we got from Sarah) up to the house to see how it would look in the new surroundings. I think it fitted in well, with the colours matching those already in the house.

One thing we noticed in port today was that, as part of the port renovations, the Mairie has installed Poo-Bag dispensers for dog-owners at various places around the port. This is a very brave step from the Mairie, as dog-owners in France seem to think that their dogs have a cultural right to be able to leave their droppings anywhere. It's very risky to walk along the port in the morning after an evening of dog-walkers on the previous night. It remains to be seen whether this initiative will encourage any of the owners to pick up after their dogs. "Ayez le bon réflexe" means "have good reflexes"; hopefully the dog-owners will develop good reflexes in immediately picking up after their dogs, rather than the walkers having to have good reflexes to avoid stepping in it later!

That evening, we had dinner with Peter and Amanda and friends on Le Piglet, and took along our best French wines: Langadouc and Corbierres red wines (1.49e and 1.27e from Intermarche). Peter kept himself busy drawing some more cartoons for the assembled throng, including one for us for our trip on the Upper Lot next week!