Cruising 2013
Our third year of cruising was based on a number of different assumptions from the first two years. The timing of it was based on two book-end events; the start was based on the timing of the Pentecote Fete in Moissac where we expected Kanumbra would be needed for the parade. The end of the trip was based on the holding of a DBA Rally in Toulouse, given that I was the Continental Events Representative on the DBA Committee at the time (see more here). As it turned out, neither of these book-end events turned out to be binding, so it was just as well that we had another reason to be in France for a longer period (which required the hassle of getting a Long-Stay Visa, see here). That reason was that we had purchased a house in Moissac in early 2013, and wanted to examine it in detail and start making preparations for the renovations which would start in late-2013 in order to have it operational as a B&B in 2014. We also wanted to go to lots of festivals along the canal, with a view to lining up gigs for the Steelband to perform at during their French Tour in 2014.
Unlike previous years, in 2013 I am trying to keep this travel blog updated on a regular basis as we travel. May not always achieve that goal, but should never be more than a week or so behind I hope!).