Monday 12 August - Peniches in Moissac, Rita in Bern, more Grisham
Up early to take Lou Hays up to Intermarche to do a little shopping for cheap paint brushes for some touch-up work on Vertrouwen. During the morning the big peniche that had been in Valence d’Agen for the Au Fil de L’Eau came through Moissac. Just as she approached the lock, another 38m peniche exited the lock and wanted to moor. We then had a very interesting sight as various barges, including two smaller ones, went in all directions as she manoeuvred to enter the lock going out of Moissac. A great lesson in how to manoeuvre barges of all sizes.

Skyped with Rita in Bern, and she said that her Mum was not feeling the best. Hence, she doesn’t think that she can come back to Moissac this week. So, we’ll wait until the weekend to see how things develop. This is one of the reasons why we bought the barge; so that Rita could be close to her family if and when they needed her. Went to bed early and started reading another Grisham novel, The Testament.