Friday 19 July - Villeneuve-sur-Lot, Campagnac, Effie and Summertime
We had intended cycling up to the hilltop village of Pujols this morning before the sun got too high in the sky, but we slept so well with some cooler weather overnight that it was too late when we woke and was already starting to get pretty warm. So we decided to just pootle around on the boat, charge the batteries from the free shore power, then start heading back towards Castelmoron this afternoon to meet up with Sarah and Albon on Sunday. May come back this way again next week for the Wednesday evening concert.
Only got as far as Campagnac before we decided to pull over at a little rural mooring in the shade. Rita went for a few swims, and then we sat on the cabin roof reading and generally slacking off.

Later in the afternoon, we heard some boats approaching from upstream, and found Summertime (Roy and Avril) and Effie (Graham and Linda) pulling into the mooring. We had heard from Stuart that they were further up the Lot, and now they have found us. Summertime double-moored on Kanumbra and Effie (another Piper Barge) moored behind on the dock.

They all went for a swim as well, and then we settled on the dock for a couple of cool drinks and a chat, catching up on all the river gossip. After dinner, we retired to Effie’s rear deck for some more drinks and chat, and learnt from them how attractive the river upstream of Villeneuve is. Made us feel more like coming back upstream next week.