Monday 3 June - sunshine, assignments, deck design, fish’n’chips
The morning began with brilliant sunshine, and it looks like it might stay that way for the coming week. Everyone around the port has just that hint of a smile on their faces. Except Tom, who had some problems with some locals over the weekend. Hopefully the Gendarmerie will sort it out soon. Today looks like being another day of marking assignments, unless I can find something to distract myself. Found time late in the afternoon to measure and take some photos of the cabin top in preparation for preparing the design of the deck which we will build with Gere later this year. The gangplank made a useful straight-edge for measuring the cross-fall on the cabin roof and its relationship to the surrounding handrail.

Fish’n’Chips Night at the port tonight – total waste of time and money (unlike 2011). None of the people on the barges bother going to it any more, and it is just filled with old English people living in surrounding towns. The fish’n’chips took 45 minutes to make, and while other orders were either delivered to the tables or had their number called out, I didn’t hear mine. After 75 minutes, I thought I’d go and see what was happening, only to be told that it had been ready for 30 minutes and that I should have come back to get it. But no worries, they said, we’ve kept it warm for you. Fish’n’chips that have been “kept warm” in a cardboard box for 30 minutes are about as appealing as English beer that has been kept warm for 30 minutes. So, straight into the bin it went. No more fish’n’chips nights for me )-: