Sunday 16 June - Montauban walk, more assignment marking
Another sunny day, so we went for a bike ride up to the city (no point wasting sunny days grading assignments!). Checked out the flea market on the way, but found nothing of real interest. Noted all the flood debris in the river.

Then back to Le Port for lunch, and home to the barge for some assignment marking. In the afternoon, the young folks down the quai with the “surfboard dog” had a bit of a party and invited us down “for a little whisky”. Unfortunately, we were serious about finishing our assignments before Theresa arrives tomorrow, and so we declined. But the music coming from their barge made the afternoon much more enjoyable. Evening walk up the canal to the first lock to complete our exercise quota for the day. Even on a leisurely day like today, we get much more exercise than at home, because we often get several kilometres of walking and/or cycling included in our activities.