Thursday 6 June - Carte Bleu, SFR Mobiles, water connection, Scenic delivery
Slept in, but up in time to have some breakfast and then get up to Credit Agricole by 10am. Luckily Adeline was on duty at the front desk, and was able to retrieve our Carte Bleu (bankcard) for us. Surprisingly, there was only one card (in my name) with no separate card for Rita, so we asked for another (which will be available in a couple of weeks, so we might get it after we return from the Montauban cruise with Hilda May). We also asked about car insurance, but were told that we needed to produce a record of our car insurance history in Australia. Since I haven’t had anything but compulsory 3rd party personal insurance for the past 25 years, that might be a bit of a problem.
Picked up the package from Doug from the Post Office, then up to SFR for the mobile SIMs, but Mattieu was not there, so we will go back at 2pm when he is on duty. Rita rang the car seller's wife, and she will deliver the car to Moissac at 7pm. Luckily, she has a sister living in Moissac, who will drive her back to Castelsarrasin, so we won’t need to drive the uninsured car tonight.
After lunch, went up to SFR and Mattieu signed us up for our mobile SIMs. After all the hassle about needing our Carte Bleu (credit card) to pay for the SIMs, when he finished activating the SIMs he said that we longer needed the Carte Bleu because SFR had a change in policy in the past three weeks which meant that a card was no longer needed. He put the charge onto our account, and we will just get an email bill each month.
Went to the Mairie to check how we could get the water re-connected to the house, and were given a Veolia number to call. Rita phoned them later and they told us the water had never been disconnected externally – it was just turned off inside the house. They advised us to read the water meter down in the basement near the furnace, and then turn on the main tap (if we can find it). We then call them back and give them the reading, and they will then set up an account for us. Sounds simple if it really works out that way.
The car seller's wife came over that evening, with her two boys, to deliver the car. She also brought a heap of paperwork for transfer of the registration (the Carte Grises – grey card), and helped us fill out the forms. She also gave us some good hints on finding the best car insurance deals. All in all, extremely helpful. After all the car work, we joined Stuart and Christine on the rear deck of Hilda May for a quiet drink and a bit of a yack.