Tuesday 28 May - back to rain, blog catch-up, Bon Viveur
Hard to believe it’s been 2 weeks since we left Taggerty, and Kanumbra is still sitting in port. But given the weather, I think it’s been better being here than out on the canal trying to negotiate locks in the wind and the rain. Today it’s back to cold, wet and windy weather, with no relief in sight for the rest of this week. However, during the course of the day, the weather had changed from heavy rain to sunshine and back again at least five times - and they say Melbourne weather is variable.
During a short break in the weather, I ran up to get the adaptor back from Anya. They are a Tassie couple on a 1-week hire boat out of Montauban with their two small daughters; they have to keep moving to make the most of their remaining 4 days; shame about the weather when you can't really afford to just stay in place for a few days until the weather improves.
Spent the morning catching up with various tasks, including updating this blog! It's been one of those days when you finally look at your watch and say “Where has the day gone?”. Went for a short walk during a rain-break, and wondered why people looked at me funnily when I said “good morning” to them; until I realised it was halfway through the afternoon!
Bon Viveur II pulled in across the canal, so I had to take a picture and let Shirley Peters know, since they were tossing up between buying a Piper barge or a similar barge to Bon Viveur of the same make from Gem Boats.