Saturday 28 September - AFL Grand Final, house painter, Veronique
Up at 5am to watch the AFL Grand Final between the Hawks and Freo. Hawks led all game to wind up winners by 15 points, even though they were challenged on several occasions. The Hawks have now won at least one premiership in each of the last 6 decades!! Strangely, however, I didn't feel anywhere near as excited as I did the previous week when the Hawks beat the Cats.

Went up to the Market later in the morning to buy some gifts, then over to have coffee with Rita and the guys in the Abbey Square. Veronique was also there, proudly showing her air tickets to Australia. Then home for an afternoon meeting with Frederique Gonnet, the painter, where we spent a long time discussing exterior and interior colours which might satisfy the Patrimone people. As we were winding up that meeting, Graham and Linda from Effie appeared, so we gave them a guided tour then sat on the verandah for a quiet drink. In the evening, Veronique came over for dinner, and she and Rita ended up having a jam session on piano and steel pan, while the rain poured down outside.