Saturday 7 September - footy upsets, more bailing, rowers, Slovenian SGP
Up early to watch the second half of the Cats/Freo game, with Freo running out surprise winners. Later in the day, another surprise winner when Port beat the Magpies.
Back to the barge for breakfast and to watch the rowers in training on the Tarn. The rowers were of all shapes, sizes and ages and were not deterred by the persistent rain.

Went to Weldom’s to buy a water pump, and got one driven by a power drill. Seemed to work OK, but could not give enough lift to get the water off the basement floor and out the basement window (about 2 metres). So back to manual bailing again. After about 30 buckets, some dry patches were appearing on the floor, so I stopped and will let it dry naturally (I hope) over the 2 weeks that we are away.
Then stayed at the house and watched the Slovenian SGP, while Rita went with Veronique to listen to her friend play in the piano bar at Le Moulin. The SGP was pretty boring with hardly a passing manoeuvre all night. Whoever gated well and got out of the first turn in the lead invariably went on the win the race.