Tuesday 10 September - Peter & Judy arrive, meeting with window-man
Rain overnight, and woke to a cloudy cool morning. Took the opportunity to catch up on emails etc, including contacting Credit Agricole about the car insurance, having not yet received our green card in the mail (with the 1-month Cover Note expiring today). Will hang around port today until Peter and Judy arrive, then head back to Moissac for the meeting with the window-man. Just learned that they are now charging for mooring on the un-serviced side of the canal at Castelsarassin. Since I really don’t like this place anyway, this will probably be the last time we moor here and spend money in the town (after Peter and Judy arrive tonight). Drove Rita up to Moissac (after we learned that the local trains were on strike today) then came back to wait for Peter Vizzard and Judy Lynne (ex-owners of Zee Otter and farm forestry owners in Tasmania), who arrived around 5pm. We all then headed up to Moissac and met Rita at the house. Had a good look around, before meeting with the window person and then had Chinese takeaway with Peter & Judy at the house – our first dinner at the house. Then we all drove back to Castelsarrasin.