Tuesday 3 September - EDRF reading, ivy trimming, locksmith, Cacor Cafe
Went up to house early to wait for EDRF meter reader to come (again). This time he arrived, just before 9am and denied all knowledge of having supposed to have been there several weeks earlier! We then got to work in the garden. Rita started cleaning up all the paths in the rose beds and getting rid of lots of weeds, while I took down the rest of the wire fencing on the eastern side of the path. I went up on top of the garage to see if the flapping fibreglass wall needed fixing again, and was surprised to see how much the ivy had grown over the wall (and the garage roof). So I gave it a good trimming. One good thing is that if it grows like this every year, then we may not have to do all the planned work on the garage roof, since the ivy wall is quite attractive. Maybe just put some garden tables and chairs up there with some shade umbrellas.

The locksmith came later and installed the new lock on the workshop back door, so we now have another keyed entry to the house if the front door gives us any trouble again. He also mentioned that one of the daughters from the old house owners still lives in St Nicolas de la Grave. He gave us her name and address and said that she would probably like to meet us. In the afternoon we came back to the boat, then cycled up to the Cacor Lock near the Tarn River Aqueduct where a local lady has establishing a new café in the lock house (always thought it was a prime position for such a café), and had a fruit smoothie.

After dinner on the boat, and washing the sheer curtains from the house, Rita went back up to the house to hang the curtains and do some more gardening, while I did some more work on the flyer for the 2014 French Tour.