Saturday 20 June - crook, Compostelle, watch, rehearsal, walk, quiet night
I awoke feeling pretty crook with stomach pains - probably from eating too much unpasteurised cheese over the past few days. It tastes good, but has an unfortunate effect on my stomach. So I had an extra sleep in, and went up to the Saturday Market late in the morning to catch up with Rita and Julia at le Compostelle Cafe. I didn’t fancy a coffee, with my stomach, so settled for a beer instead. As we talked, Julie showed her new watch that she had just bought at the market. Since I had also been on the lookout for a good cheap watch, I went and found the same guy. I debated whether to splurge and buy the 10euro model, but eventually settled on the 7euro model, like Julia. One can tell by the brand name on the face that it is a quality product manufactured in a faraway exotic eastern country.

In the afternoon, Rita and I did a final pan rehearsal in preparation for the Fete de la Musique tomorrow, and then I went back to the barge to rest and recover, while Rita and Julia walked to the Cacor Aqueduct. That evening, we had dinner on the rear deck, followed by a quiet night.
PS: having bought my watch at 1100h and taken the above photo at 1247hr, it then stopped working at 1336h!! Surely, one of the shortest watch lives in recorded history!