Tuesday 16 June - Pete&Vicky, oven, music, panorama, storm, MusicZone, Panyard
We rose early this morning to take Peter & Vicky to Montauban to catch their train back to Paris, then we returned to the house to wait for the oven to be delivered.
While waiting for the oven, we got in some pan practice for the upcoming Fete de la Musique on June 21, where Rita and I will play a short set at the Uvarium. I am learning a couple of simple tunes on the baritones (Rum & CocaCola, Old Lady) plus one that is a bit more complex for me (Brisas del Zulia), and a new song on the bass where we will accompany the harp and violin on tape for the Belgarth Waltz. In addition, Rita and I will use the Recovery CD as backing while we play along to a few of the old favourites.
While waiting, I also took the opportunity to capture the panoramic view from the new window at the top of the Lightwell of the house. It captures the Abbey, other church spires, the silos near the port and the Moulin de Moissac, along with all the rooftops in the immediate neighbourhood.

After the oven had arrived, we went out to Weldoms to try buying some shower screens for the side of the three bathtubs in the house (strangely these had not been bought by the plumber who did the bath installation). We thought we had the perfect ones, only to find that they were only for when they were installed on the left of the bath. There was no reverse design for installation on the right (such that the striped frosted surface was on the outside). Given the calcaire problem in the water over here, you definitely don’t want the rougher surface on the inside where it will quickly become uncleanable. While we were in Weldoms, a huge storm broke overhead. The intensity of the rain and hail was such that we made sure we were not under the perspex sections of the roof, in case it gave way.
On the way home, we dropped off at MusicZone, where Rita wanted to pick up some gear for rehearsing for the Fete de la Musique. In the end we bought or hired a variety of stuff including a looper, microphone, mike-stand and speaker box.
That evening we relaxed after dinner on board listening to old french music on the radio.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, all our pan friends at home were celebrating the opening of the new Taggerty Panyard - we so wished we could have also been there.