Thursday 25 July - Sarah&Albon depart, 13m lock, Chateau Roge, speedboats
Sarah and Albon and the kids rose early to start the long drive back to Bern. Today promises to be a hot one, but at least they will have a/c in the car. After they left, I ducked across the river to get a good shot of the barge and the background in the early morning sun.

At the top of the stairway in front of Kanumbra was a communal laundry basin, very similar in design to the small laundry tub on the back verandah on the house in Moissac - just a bit larger!

We headed off out of the sun later in the morning, and went through the 13m deep lock next to the hydro plant. Relatively straight-forward, except for a tricky entrance to the lock from the river, with a couple of tight bends – best to negotiate them at dead-slow speed.

The lock looked very deep from the bottom, and also from the top, but again the floating bollards made it easy to use.

We then cruised upstream (while Erika followed in her car) to find a shady spot to moor up for the day. Eventually stopped at Chateau Roge, a beautiful spot with shade, a chateau, riding school, camping area and other facilities used by school camps.

Thought I’d found an Aussie Rules ground as well, until I realised that all the poles were the same height and were actually flagpoles.

The only problem was the water-skiing club, who delighted in seeing which boat and skier could come closest to the barge to make it rock most vigorously. Putting a tyre between barge and dock seemed to dampen the worst of the rocking.
Rita and Erika went to a nearby Roman archeological dig and museum in the afternoon, which was very interesting to Erika given her interest in all things Roman. Once the skiers stopped for dinner and a few drinks, we enjoyed a quiet night on the rear deck until darkness fell.