Wednesday 24 July - Villeneuve-sur-Lot, peddlo, night concert, beer crisis
Rita awoke with a bad headache; may have had something to do with the wine last night, but more likely just another migraine. She slept for most of the morning. I rode up to Cassenueil to check on the mooring situation. There was one spot left, but it was under the willows again. So we decided to head direct to Villeneuve. Around noon, we set off from Hauterive and arrived in Villeneuve 90 minutes later. Albon drove his car up while we came on the boat. Moored on the shady side of the river this time, across from the stage for tonight’s concert, and just in front of the old bridge across the Lot.

A funny thing happens sometimes as you sit on the barge staring at the water and thinking of nothing in particular. All of a sudden, strange visions start to appear that you never noticed before, such as these patterns seen in the Lot at Villeneuve. No prizes for guessing where they came from.

They were doing sound checks in the afternoon for the night concert and had way too much bass – does not auger well for the evening. Albon drove Erika back to Hauterive to pick up her car, while everyone else got some sleep. Sarah, Albon and the kids then hired a Peddlo in the afternoon and went for a paddle around the river.

During the afternoon, I went for a walk to find the Paris Gate that was part of the old bastide wall before most of it was destroyed during the 13th century as punishment for the crime of "heresy". Having found it, I then took a picture of a banner hanging on the wall near the river to show that not much has changed for the past few hundred years.

Thankfully, Rita’s headache had improved during the day, so in the evening we went for a walk uptown in search of dessert after dinner. Settled into the Tapas Bar in the main square, only to find that it was their Karaoke Night. The host tried to get people to sing, but in the end he had to sing the first song himself. After that, I took my leave to see if the concert on the river was any better. When I got there the first act was still playing, and I seriously thought about returning to the Karaoke Night! Mercifully, they stopped after 10 minutes and the main act then took 20 minutes to prepare themselves – they better be good.

They were an improvement, but not enough to keep us there, so we returned to the boat across the river and listened to the rest of the concert from there, while looking at the night-time sights of Villeneuve-sur-Lot.

A major crisis occurred during the day when one of the kids accidentally dropped the bottle-opener into the river!!!!!!! Panic, Panic, how could we survive the rest of the trip? But I remembered a trick that someone showed me with an iPhone charger, and luckily we had one with us, so beers could still be opened. Relax, relax.