Tuesday 9 July - bike racks, Voix banner, Valence D'Agen, red-ball sunset
Late risings for breakfast on the back deck. Then the Seethalers went up town for a look around, while I finished the bike racks on the front deck while the water tank was filling. The bike racks are only temporary for the moment (held on with cable ties) to see how they work in practice. They should be good in keeping the bikes clear of the rear deck, but not yet sure how stable they will be and whether they will hinder forward vision too much. Time will tell.

On her way out to do some errands, Rita asked the Mairie workers taking down the Fete de la Voix flags if she could have one, and they agreed – that’s going straight to the pool room!
Checked that the generator worked OK before we left port. Frank took his car up to the house to park in the garage while we are away, but someone was parked across our garage entry (must get a printed note made up to leave under windscreens), so he just parked in the street, so that he was at least closer to the railway station when they came back to Moissac on the train from Agen. I then moved Kanumbra over to the other side of the port to fill up with diesel, pay all our bills, then off we went to head through the swinging bridge. For some reason, I had forgotten that we had filled Kanumbra with diesel when we did the winterising at the end of last year. So, instead of taking about 400euro worth of diesel, it only took 40euro - a nice surprise!

We enjoyed a leisurely cruise to Valance d’Agen, where we tied up in our usual wild mooring spot, where Janek checked out knots on the bollards, the two Franks had a chat on the rear deck, while Rita cooled off in the canal.

We enjoying a relaxed dinner on board, then witnessed a phenomenal sunset as the sun sank as a fiery red ball to the horizon directly at the end of the canal. It was still very warm till midnight when we retired to try and get some sleep, with Janek retreating to the back deck.