Wednesday 10 July - Valence d'Agen, Agen, fishy feet cleaning
Overnight the weather changed and we woke to thunderstorms and heavy rain – a welcome change from the heat of the previous day. We heard later that Kaz & Iain's barge in Moissac had been struck by lightning, frying some of the electrics. By late morning the weather had cleared and started to warm up again. Went up town and had a drink at Café de L’Industrie, then back to the boat to set off for Agen.

Cruising again in sunny weather, but at least the breeze made it bearable. Stopped at le Poule a Velo, but found they were shut for the day. So moved onto Agen and moored at the new pontoon in the basin. Unfortunately, there are now a lot of permanent moorings in the basin with pretty ordinary looking boats, leaving little space for visiting barges. In the future, lots of barges will simply skip Agen and not spend their money in town.

The pontoon deck near the boat was in the shade so we sat on the deck with a beer, and dangled our feet in the water. The baby fish took great delight in nibbling our toes and cleaning our feet – just like Bangkok Airport.

At night we went up to Agen for dinner, but found that the railway station renovations had caused lots of closures, including the pedestrian bridge across the rail lines. So we had to do a big detour (with Frank Snr) before finding a Vietnamese restaurant (where everything was cooked with mushrooms). Got back to the boat eventually (no taxis available in Agen), and sat on the back deck till after midnight waiting for it to cool.