Tuesday 14 July - July 14, to Moissac via Vichy, Stuart & Christine, Domsjö
As we drove out of Paray after breakfast, we were surprised to see that some of the big shops (e.g. LIDL) were still closed - then we realised that today was July 14th (Bastille Day) and that nearly everything would be closed. So it was good that we were travelling and could stop at the Service Centres along the Motorway, where we would at least be able to buy some basic supplies for when we got home today. We drove to Moissac via Vichy, through the Charolaise region, so we weren’t surprised to find lots of white cattle in the fields.

Soon after we got to Moissac, we met up with Stuart & Christine who had arrived from England the day before. Importantly, they had arrived with our Domsjö sink! So we took it up to the house and put it in the kitchen for Nico to install when he returns, and then invited them to have dinner on the Terrasse, while we caught up with all the latest news.