Wednesday 15 July - emails, evaporative cooler, Frank & Chanthea, security
After being away for almost a week, it was time to catch up with all the emails that arrived in that time. Since the weather had remained very hot (high 30s) for a few weeks, it was becoming very warm on the top floor of the house (with all the skylights). Since the VMC system was designed to work best in winter (retaining the heat from warm air being exhausted from the house and transferring it to the fresh cold air being drawn into the house) rather than in summer (where the air in the house is hot and the air outside the house is also hot), we decided that we needed additional cooling on the top floor (the lower floors were much cooler due to the thermal mass in the walls and the absence of direct sunlight). However, it would be impossible to go with an air-conditioning system which would required external plumbing for drainage of extracted water. So we bought a small evaporative cooler (100euro) from Weldoms to see how it would work. It was not prefect, but it was sure better than having nothing. The moist air coming out of the cooler would eventually enter the VMC system where it would be dehumidified, so that was not a problem.
In the late afternoon, we picked up father Frank & Chanthea from Toulouse Blagnac Airport, after they had flown in from Zurich. Again, we noticed the obvious presence of security forces within the airport terminal.

That evening, we took Frank & Chanthea for a walk along the quai on the Tarn, where Kanumbra was moored, and then returned to the house for a quiet night.