
While the main (postal) address of la Maison is 71 Rue Gambetta, and fronts onto a busy main road, the second street frontage for the house is out through the rose garden to 38 Quai Antoine Hebrard, which runs directly along the Canal de Garonne. Most of the upstairs bedrooms in the house have a view to the south over the canal. Even on a foggy day, the view to and from the canal is much more attractive than the view from Rue Gambetta (at right below). For this reason, in the renovation of la Maison we will "turn the house around" so that the main entrance will be from the canal, and the old front door will now effectively be the little-used back door.

We will use this Quai Antoine Hebrard entrance as the main entrance in the future, because it gives a better view of the house on entry, the garage is on this side of the house and because parking for visitors is a bit easier on Quai Antoine Hebrard than on Rue Gambetta (which is a busy main road during the day with very limited day or night parking). It will also give an opportunity to admire the rose garden on the way into the house.